With Love, From Drew
Eight More Truths.
Life’s core truths can be found all around us in our day-to-day interactions and endeavors. Here are additional axioms to enhance your capacity to appreciate your unique experience.
Eight Universal Truths.
Understanding our nature and life’s core truths make the inevitable ups and downs of living feel far less turbulent. Build your awareness around these axioms and your capacity to appreciate your unique experience is bound to expand.
The Power Of Prana.
Prana = Life Force = Energy = Vitality. Modern life is diminishing our life force and stealing our energy. If you want to receive more abundance and live a more vibrant life, know these principles of prana and start making changes today.
Four Types Of People.
Karma is not the same as fate or destiny. The volition behind our thoughts and actions matters greatly. Are you moving toward darkness or lightness?
Beware: The Five Hindrances.
The journey toward self-mastery is full of obstacles. Unblock your path by recognizing and eliminating these common enemies to spiritual progress. Hint: mind matters most.
Listening For Health, Connection, & Productivity.
We all have a deep, innate need to feel seen and heard. However, most of us don’t know how to truly listen. Learn how upping your listening leads to not only your own holistic health, but to deeper connections and increased productivity—in life and business.
What Is Soft Is Strong.
Soften around your experience to find true strength no matter what. There’s a teacher in everything.
Raise Your Frequency.
Understand the Law of Vibration, then harness the power of intentional creation.
“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” -Paulo Coelho
Be Only You.
Learn and embrace the art of clearing your energy.
When asked how he achieved his famous statue of David, Michelangelo said, “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.”
Let Go and Be Free.
The greatest gift given to oneself is the power and freedom of having zero expectations. Embrace the art of letting go.
New Year, New View.
Reinvention should be viewed as imperative and advantageous, not dire or desperate. How will you manifest your dharma in new ways this year?
Start A Healthier Holiday Tradition.
Things are different in a beautiful way this year: There’s a huge opportunity to finish 2020 focusing on self-care and self-healing. Don’t waste it.
A Master’s Playground.
Success is almost never the result of mere talent. It’s how we practice that sets us apart. Blend your gift with a sustained quality of effort to foster true mastery.
Unity Always Wins.
The Law of One trumps The Law of Polarity. This week, may we all embrace the universal truth that though we differ vastly in thought and opinion, we’re all connected in a greater oneness.