Be Only You.

Learn and embrace the art of clearing your energy. It works.

When asked how he achieved his famous statue of David, Michelangelo said, “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.”

The Lunar New Year is this Friday, Feb. 12, and with all the chatter about what exactly the year of the Metal Ox will bring forth it’s important to remember that you don’t need to wait for a momentous occasion or an interpretation of the Zodiac in order to see a new horizon. You can start fresh any time you’d like and there’s a simple technique to help you do it called energy clearing (below). It’s the simplest and most efficient way of bringing you back to your essence.

Michelangelo was onto something in his statement about David. The human condition is so complicated. It needs to be stripped down and simplified often so that what’s left really matters. What’s tough is that many of us don’t realize when we’re carrying energy that isn’t our own and it muddies the process of self-purification. Is it possible that I’m carrying around weight that isn’t mine? Is my own energy somehow buried? Am I able and willing to let some of this go? Energy clearing is a practical step to get you working in the right direction.

In yoga, starting with only your own energy is essential. The breath and posture work amplifies what’s inside you, and that’s true for better or worse. When you’re carrying outside energies, it can hijack your entire mindfulness practice; you spend all of your time trying to get back to “you’’ and subsequently no real progress is made. If you’re working with energies entirely your own—even if some of those energies are difficult or uncomfortable—all of your efforts help simplify and purify your essence. You set your truest self free.

Practice clearing your energy every day this week. Then get on your mat and crush some pushups and handstands—nothing will be weighing you down.



Energy Clearing

A practice that clears your energy field of anything that isn’t you or love.

It’s best to use this practice upon waking and before sleep, plus any other time you feel out of sorts, suddenly tired, confused or threatened. Clear your energy before you do your yoga or meditation practice as well.

  1. Imagine an orb of sparkling, purifying light over your head. Place your hands there to hold the orb.

  2. Slowly move your hands down the whole length of your body and out the bottom of the feet. Imagine the light cleansing around and through your entire body and energy field—like a magnet, removing impurities. (This step might need to be repeated an extra time or two if you’re feeling especially heavy or burdened.) Your intuition will know when this step is completed.

  3. Once your energy field is clear, open your arms out wide and spin a protective shield of any color or texture around your whole body. This shield can’t be penetrated.


Be Happy.


Sound of Metal.